2023-04-18 EAP Workshop Series: Strategies and Tactics for Public English Speeches






🎤講題 Topic:公共英語演說之策略與技巧 Strategies and Tactics for Public English Speeches

🤵‍♂️講者 Speaker:陳彥豪教授 Dr. Yan Hao Chen

📄講者簡介 About the Speaker:國立台北大學應用外語學系教授

Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics, NTPU

⏰時間 Time:4/18(二) 14:00-15:30

📍地點 Venue:校本部樸大樓101室 Room 101, Pu Building, Main Campus

🎙️本講座以中英文進行 This workshop will be conducted in both English and Chinese

🔗報名連結 Click Here to Register:https://ntnu.mywconline.com/index.php?scode=CALTALKS

🌸報名流程 Registration Process:

本校同學登入本中心預約系統(首次使用本中心系統者須先註冊)→(確認目前頁面為「講座與工作坊 Talks and Workshops」)點選頁面上的「日曆」圖示 選擇講座的日期 → 點選白色方塊報名該講座 → 填寫並送出報名表單

Log into the system (Registration is required for the first visit.) → (On the schedule of “Talks and Workshops”,) click the “calendar” icon and select the date of the talk/workshop you want to go → Select the white space on the schedule → Fill out the appointment form.

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