2022-12-06 EAP Workshop Series: Keys to Academic Success: EAP Learning Strategies


本中心專任老師張文嘉博士將於12/6(二) 下午與同學們分享如何運用學術英文聽說讀寫及筆記的策略,並介紹英文論文的架構。此外,也會和大家分享本中心眾多的學術英文學習資源。想提升學術英文能力的同學趕快來報名吧!也歡迎本校行政人員、校外人士一起參加喔🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

👩🏻‍🏫講題Keys to Academic Success: EAP Learning Strategies 學術英文的學習策略

⏰日期與時間 Date and Time:2022/12/6 (二) 14:00 – 15:30 PM

🏠地點 Location:校本部樸大樓101室 Room 101, Pu Building, Main Campus

😃講者 Speaker:張文嘉 博士Dr. Christine S. Chang

📜講者簡介 About the Speaker:



Full-Time Teacher at the Center for Academic Literacy, NTNU

Ph.D. in Curriculum, Instruction and the Science of Learning with a concentration in English Education, State University of New York at Buffalo

💁🏻‍♂️註記 Note:

👉講座為英文演講The workshop will be conducted in English


Those who sign up on our system have a chance to earn an official NTNU souvenir. 


🌸報名流程 Registration Process:

本校同學登入本中心預約系統(首次使用本中心系統者須先註冊)→(確認目前頁面為「講座與工作坊 Talks and Workshops」)點選頁面上的「日曆」圖示 選擇講座的日期 → 點選白色方塊報名該講座 → 填寫並送出報名表單

Log into the system (Registration is required for the first visit.) → (On the schedule of “Talks and Workshops”,) click the “calendar” icon and select the date of the talk/workshop you want to go → Select the white space on the schedule → Fill out the appointment form.

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